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More Than Covid - Staying Safe From All Germs

Some viruses get to have all the fun. Let’s face it, Covid-19 is a bit of a spotlight hog. While this new strain of coronavirus gets all the airplay these days it’s important to remember that it’s not just Covid-19 we have to protect ourselves from. Covid-19 is simply the newest strain of human coronaviruses that have been around since time immemorial.

Common Human Coronaviruses

According to the CDC, common human coronaviruses usually cause mild to moderate upper-respiratory tract sickness. The common cold is perhaps the type of coronavirus most people are familiar with. In fact, the CDC says most people will be infected by one or more of the common human coronaviruses in their lifetime. These, however, should not be confused with Covid-19, which is an uncommon or novel coronavirus.

Symptoms of common human coronaviruses:

  • Fever
  • Cough
  • Sore throat
  • Runny nose
  • Headache
  • Bodily aches and pains

What happened to the flu?

Since Covid it seems like nobody is getting the flu anymore, right? Well, here’s a piece of news you can count on. The flu is still alive and well and hasn’t gone anywhere. The media is simply reporting more on Covid because it is a new virus and we as a society are still figuring out how to deal with it. While the reported number of Covid deaths in the US currently hovers around half a million, the 2018-2019 flu season reported 61,000 deaths. US flu deaths during the 2019-2020 flu season are estimated at between 21,000-62,000, according to the CDC.

How To Stay Healthy

Taking measures to keep yourself healthy will not only prevent the spread of Covid but will also help stave off other viruses that could potentially get you sick. Here’s a shortlist of ways to stay safe and healthy during the pandemic:

  • Wash your hands regularly for at least 20 seconds
  • Wear a mask in publicKeep a safe social distance of at least 6-10 feet from other humans
  • Wear a mask in public
  • Wash or replace your mask regularly to prevent breathing in accumulated bacteria
  • Keep a travel bottle of sanitizer on you at all times
  • Keep a travel bottle of sanitizer on you at all times

We’ll get through this together

It’s important that we take precautions to keep ourselves and others healthy from not only Covid but other common viruses that circulate every year. Remember to get plenty of fresh air and sunshine when possible as viruses thrive in the dark and die in the light. Here’s to staying safe, healthy, and sane as we approach springtime.

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